Mini-Symposium on SOIL REMEDIATION in combination with SOIL WASHING - Final Meeting

At mini-syphosium held on 12the of July at UFT Tulln (BOKU) Austria Envit presented three oral and one poster presentation.

At mini-symposium held on 12the of July at UFT Tulln (BOKU) Austria Envit presented three oral and one poster presentation. Overview of ''RE-SOIL Project and Prevalje-Experiment'' was presented by prof. Domen Leštan, folowed by Simon Gluhar, PhD oral presentation of ''Use of biodegradable chelators in ReSoil® technology and selected results from the Prevalje-Experiment'' and Neža Finžgar, PhD oral report about practical applications of soil washing in Prevalje (Slovenia). Poster titled ''Biological indicators of quality of EDTA- remediated soil'' was presented by Anela Kaurin.

At the symposium we will also mention a deliverable of POSIDON PCP Phase 2, a prototype development of mobile units for pilot demonstration of on site, ex-situ brownfield remediation of polluted soils.
POSIDON is a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 776838. POSIDON challenge is to address the lack of public demand driven innovation in the soil decontamination sector in Europe. This is needed to close the gap between supply and demand for innovative solutions. Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) has the potential to be an effective demand side innovation action par excellence. The common challenge faced by the POSIDON buyers’ group is identifying a soil (and eventually groundwater) remediation new, life-cycle, cost-effective technology, preferred as in-situ (and eventually on-site), to be capable of decontaminate heterogeneous anthropogenic soils in brownfield, composed by a mixture of industrial waste (like filling soils highly polluted by Petroleum Hydrocarbons) and soils consisting on clays and sands, highly polluted by Petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs and PAHs), and heavy metals.


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